How to setup a webserver on Ubuntu. These instructions go over setting up a basic LAMP stack manually. To finish it off, some how-to on getting a WordPress install.
Linux Virtual Terminals
A quick how-to on linux virtual terminals / virtual consoles.
Cracking WPA2 Using airmon-ng, airodump-ng, aircrack-ng, and john the ripper
Tutorial on how to crack WPA2 hashes pulled down from wireless networks. Demonstrates usage of airmon-ng, airodump-ng, aircrack-ng, and john the ripper.
Elevate to Root With a Simple Program
This post demonstrates a C program that will allow you to drop into a root shell. I will describe how to compile it, and how to set up the permissions and suid bit so that any user can run it to get root!
Logging SSH Password Attempts
Have you ever been curious what the failed ssh password attempts are? Wonder no more with a simple PAM patch! This enables logging of the attempted ssh login including the password!
Host System Survey (or get to know your Linux system)
So you’re on a linux box, and you want to find out more information about it? This post takes you through commands to get kernel and distro information, disk layout, and basic hardware on the system. It can be used as a guide for a host-system survey, or just to find out general information about your linux box.
SSH Tunneling or There and Back Again
A medium-depth explanation of ssh local and remote tunneling. This goes over the ssh -L
and ssh -R
Resetting Lost Passwords: WordPress Admin and MySQL root user
If you’ve forgotten your WordPress password and have access to your MySQL database, changing your password is a piece of cake. From your server, these commands will get you into your wordpress database: # mysql -p # *password* mysql> connect
Untrusted Javascript Game Solutions – Chapters 6 – 10
Here are my solutions for Untrusted javascript game chapters 6 through 10. The Untrusted game can be found on github here: My solutions are colored red, indicated an area where you can edit the code. Chapter 6 –
Untrusted Javascript Game Solutions – Chapters 1-5
Just throwing up my solutions to the javascript game found at: My solutions are colored in red, indicating areas where you can edit code. Chapter 1 – cellBlockA: I deleted everything… it worked. for (y = 3; y <=